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Class 1 - Miss Blunt


Dear parents and guardians, 

Firstly, welcome to Year 1! Your children are settling in nicely and are quickly becoming used to the routines and expectations of year 1. They have produced some fantastic work already!

The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Our aim is to ensure that your children experience a smooth transition from Reception into Key Stage One.

Key adults

Miss Blunt – Class Teacher

Miss Belmont – Learning Support Assistant

Reading in year 1

Just as in Reception, we continue to follow the Supersonic Phonic Friends scheme. Two phonically decodable reading books, matching the sounds that we are learning in school, will be sent home each Friday. Please make sure that every time your child reads their schoolbooks, it is recorded in their reading record.  Reading records and reading books should be kept in your child’s clear plastic folder. This folder should be brought to school every day.  


  • P.E. days are Monday and Thursday. Earrings must be taken out at home as we are unable to help with this and your child will not be able to take part if they are wearing them.
  • Home learning will consist of one phonics and one maths activity per week. Homework will be sent home every Friday to be completed in your child’s homework book. Please ensure that any home learning is returned to school by the following Thursday to be marked.
  • Please make sure that your child brings a water bottle and a snack each day for break times.
  • Please make sure that any items such as bottles, lunchboxes and clothes are clearly labelled to avoid things getting lost.
  • If you need to contact me urgently, please email the school office and they will forward your email to me.
  • No pencil cases are needed in year 1 as the children will be provided with all necessary stationary and colouring supplies.

Autumn Term Learning

Our theme this half-term is ‘Animals’. This is one of our science units- Animals including humans. In art we will be creating our own animal drawings inspired by the illustrations of Roger Hargreaves – the author of the Mr Men series. The children will also use their knowledge of sliders and levers to create their own moving animal picture in Design Technology. Other exciting things we will be learning about this half term include looking at the features of our school and Cressing, developing our computing skills, and learning about our senses. In maths we will continue to practise arithmetic skills, place value of numbers within 10, addition and subtraction of numbers within 10, and shape.

Show and tell will take place on Friday afternoons, so if your child has any exciting experiences or achievements that they would like to share with the class, we would love to see badges, certificates and photographs! Please keep in mind that we will only have time for a few children to share each week, so we will keep track of this to ensure fairness.

We look forward to working with you. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Miss Blunt and Miss Belmont 😊



This half term are theme is Out and About. This is mainly a geograhical theme so we will be looking at maps and our school environment.

After half term we will have a historical theme based on 'Toys'. We will be comparing and exploring toys from present day with those from the past.

For more information on our work plans, please see the links below:

Long Term Plans

  Homework/Tests Physical Activities
Monday   P.E.
Thursday   P.E
Friday Spelling test.
Homework set/due in.

Reading Schemes and phonics

In Year 1, some children may use Renaissance Reading to help develop their reading skills.  The children are assessed periodically to monitor how they are progressing and to make sure they are choosing books that are of appropriate level of difficulty for them.

For more information about KS1 reading schemes and phonics click here

Class Photos

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