Parents Information
Illness and Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school due to ill health, please make sure you phone the office by 9am, otherwise they will be marked as unauthorised in the register. Out of school hours it is fine to leave a message on the school answer phone. Please do ensure that you update us on a daily basis if the illness is ongoing.
If your child is ill with a sickness or tummy bug, they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of sickness/tummy problem.
In school we are only able to administer medications that have been prescribed by a doctor. These need to be taken to the office in their original packaging and the relevant paperwork completed.
Absence in school term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. If you do need to make an application please contact the office for a form that will then be considered by the school. Please also attach a letter with an explanation of the reason.
If your child needs to attend a medical appointment in school time please provide a copy of the hospital letter/appointment card where possible, otherwise we will require a letter to cover the absence in the register.
Due to health and safety implications, please ensure that earrings are removed for school. If children have newly pierced ears they will be unable to participate in PE. According to new guidance from Essex we are no longer able to accept using tape on the ears as a safe alternative.
Please ensure that:
- your child has a named water bottle in school for drinks at break time.
- your child has a healthy snack for break time, or 40p to buy a snack from the tuck shop.
- all uniform and PE kit is labelled with your childs name. (a sharpie pen is quick and easy to use to write names on clothing tags)
- you encourage your child to read to you every night.