iPad Links
The new Bee-Bot App from TTS Group has been developed based on our well-loved, award-winning Bee-Bot floor robot. The app makes use of Bee-Bot's keypad functionality and enables children to improve their skills in directional language and programming through sequences of forwards, backwards, left and right 90 degree turns.
Learn the basics of computer programming with Daisy the Dinosaur! This free, fun app has an easy drag and drop interface that kids of all ages can use to animate Daisy to dance across the screen. Kids will intuitively grasp the basics of objects, sequencing, loops and events by solving this app's challenges.
This award winning game and accompanying curriculum, is designed to teach the basics of computer coding to kids 5 and up.
Lightbot is a programming puzzle game- a game whose game mechanics require using programming logic to solve levels.
Hopscotch is programming designed for everyone! In a few minutes, you'll be making characters move, dance, draw, and interact. Control your project by tapping, tilting, shaking, and even shouting at your iPad.
Play to learn! Use InQuizitor’s FREE Times Tables App to hardwire basic multiplication into your brain.
Memorising multiplication tables helps make more advanced mathematical topics easier to learn and understand. Don’t fall behind in class, learn your times tables!
Impress your friends with your own personal comic strips, created on your iPad, iPhone or iPod using photos from your photo album or iPhone camera.