Cressing App

The Cressing Primary School App provides quick and easy access to information and messages from school. Most functions on it are intuitive to use (eg News is news about school, Information is information...), however there are some useful extra features to know about.
From the Home screen:
Events section. You can view this in calendar page format or click the list view button at top right of screen to see it as a scrolling list. Events can be added to your phone calendar by clicking the "calendar plus" icon for an event.
Timeline section. This is a log of messages sent to you and your replies. Go here to catch up on any missed messages since you last used the app or to check what you said when you replied.
More... section. This takes you to a secondary menu with additional sections including:
Settings section. This allows you to filter alert messages so you receive notifications relevant to your child(ren)'s life at school.
About the App section. Holds legal information about use of personal data, cookies etc and a feedback link if you would like to comment on the app.
First things to do when downloading the app:
1. Go to the Settings page and opt yourself into the groups of interest to you. Leave "Urgent" alerts switched on: this is for important messages to the whole school.
2. Go to the Events section and add events of interest to your phone calendar as above if you would like reminders about them nearer the time.
3. The app is designed to be a one stop shop for all quick information you need about school. If we have missed out something you would like to have seen please drop a quick message to us via the Send Feedback button on the About the App page.