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Class 4 - Mr Moulton and Miss Wild

Welcome to Year 4!  September 2024

Dear Parents, Children and Families.

Welcome back to school. It has been a great start so far and we are very pleased with how the children have settled into our class. We have been impressed with how well the children have approached their learning with great attitudes. We have had excellent discussions about ‘Our Class Code of Conduct’ and ‘Caring’ and it has been fantastic to see such thoughtful responses from the children.

Multiplication Tables Check.

In June every Year 4 child will undertake the Government’s national Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The children will be electronically tested on times tables questions, to ensure they have quick recall of all the table facts. To help explain this further and to provide ways in which you can support your child, I am holding two workshops this term. Please do try and attend one or the other.  

Monday 16th September 3:30 – 4pm and Thursday 7th November at the same time. Please let me know if you and your child will be attending so that I can produce sufficient information packs. Please confirm by email – cmoulton@cressing.essex.sch.uk

Home Learning.

New home learning tasks are sent home in the blue book each Monday. Please ensure books are back in school by the following Monday at the latest. Please do ask if we can help with this in any way.

1. Daily times tables.   New focus each week.   Try to learn these in lots of different ways during the week.  Chanting, singing, random questions or computer games etc.  Ongoing.  

2. Times table tasks on DB primary.  Log in codes in the front of reading diaries.   Use a times table sheet to help with this.  

3. Daily reading. 15/20 minutes. We encourage a wide variety of reading!  Please sign diaries.  If you can quiz at home, then that is really helpful. 

4. Learning the Year 3 and 4 Common Exception spelling words.  These are in the reading record and home learning book.   This is an ongoing task. 

5. Writing / grammar / spelling task.   A short task to complete each week.  

Important Class Information.

· PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday.

· Homework – as above.

Adults in Year 4.

Mr Moulton – Class Teacher. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Miss Wild – Class Teacher. Wednesday.

Mr Chambers – Class Teacher. Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

Mrs Vota – Class Learning Support Assistant every morning.

This term’s main learning themes.

Bread Baking!! You will receive an invite to come and join us later in the half term for this.

European Countries. Looking at the features, cultures and important matters of different countries.  Do you have any expertise you could share with us?

We will be reading and writing myths, portal stories, recipes, guidebooks and autumn poetry.

Our two class novels are Zombierella by Joseph Coelho and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Di Camillo.

We have our Wellbeing week in September where we look forward to exploring this them and other issues to do with Mental Health.

We will be performing a Christmas play for you too!

If you have any ideas / thoughts / expertise in any of these areas – please do let us know.

We look forward to working alongside you to help your child achieve their very best.

Mr Moulton. Miss Wild, Mr Chambers and Mrs Vota – September 2024



For more information on our work plans, please see the links below:

Long Term Plans

  Homework/Tests Physical Activities
Monday Homework due in  
Tuesday Times tables and spelling test P.E.
Wednesday   P.E.

Reading Scheme

In KS2 we use Renaissance Reading to help the children develop their reading skills.  The children are assessed periodically to monitor how they are progressing and to make sure they are choosing books that are of appropriate level of difficulty for them.

Class Photos

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