Ethos and Values
Children and staff follow key themes each half term which focus on six key characteristics which make our school special. These are: being caring, being curious, to contribute, to be confident, to be committed and to be creative.
We aim to:
To provide a caring, secure environment in which all members of our school community feel confident and valued.
To work together to enable our pupils to become happy, healthy and responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world.
To create a challenging learning environment where children have high expectations of their own success.
To develop each child’s full potential – intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally.
To provide a relevant, responsive and engaging curriculum with opportunities for children to learn in a variety of ways.
To develop children’s involvement in their own learning by encouraging confidence, discipline and motivation, and by fostering a love of learning.
To develop links with home so that parents and school can work together to the benefit of each child.
To enable all children to recognise their own worth and accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
To provide equal access to learning opportunities irrespective of gender, ethnic background or ability.
We believe that educational success is to be measured in individual terms.