Mathematics Links
ICT Games - Maths
Number facts, counting, bridging through 10, money, time, doubling, odd and even, place value, multiplication & rounding, addition/subtraction.
Counting, ordering, sequencing, place value, odd & even, addition & subtraction, times tables, multiplication & division, money, shapes measures, data handling, problem solving.
IXL Maths
IXL brings learning to life! Explore 4,000+ maths and language practice skills for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
Maths Dictionary
A useful dictionary containing maths vocabulary relating to the new national curriculum.
BBC Bitesize Maths
BBC Bitesize - a variety of maths games grouped by each area of the national curriculum.
Oswego Ineractive Games
Fun interactive maths games for EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
Maze work games and puzzles.
Khan Academy
Arithmetic practise questions and SATS preparation.
Woodland Junior School Resources
A huge list of useful resources covering Maths, Literacy, Science, Geography, History, British Life and Culture, London, Festivals and Celebrations, The British Royal Family, Unusual Customs & Traditions
Tetney Primary School Resources
Mathletics -
Your child will have been given a card with their login information to use Mathletics at home. In KS2 children will sometimes be requested to complete homework on Mathletics.
Your child will have been given a card with their login information to use at home. In KS2 children will sometimes be requested to complete homework on this site.