Classes and Year Groups
Primary schools contain seven “year-groups”, from Year R to Year 6. At Cressing School they are spread across seven classes at present:
- Class R - Reception
- Class 1 - Year 1
- Class 2 - Year 2
- Class 3 - Year 3
- Class 4 - Year 4
- Class 5 - Year 5
- Class 6 - Year 6
In Cressing each child is viewed as an individual with their own personal educational needs and abilities. Every effort is made to promote equal opportunities and equal access to learning for all children, whatever their ability, special needs, gender, race or creed.
A year-group contains children born between September 1st and August 31st of the following year; this is the academic year.
Children admitted at the beginning of the year in which they turn 5, are called the Reception Year. The Reception year (YR) is the last year of the Foundation Stage of education, designed for children aged between 3 and 5.
Children aged 5 before the beginning of the academic year are called Year 1.
Year 1 and Year 2 form Key Stage One (KS1). Foundation Stage and Key Stage One children used to be called “Infants”.
Years 3 to 6 are now called Key Stage Two (KS2), but were known in the past as “Juniors”.