School History
Cressing Primary School was founded in July 1900 and met initially in temporary accommodation in Cressing village. The Victorian building was opened in 1902, but as the inside was destroyed by fire in 1936, the present interior dates from 1937.
The building you see now has developed over a number of years. The school hall and indoor toilets were built in 1959 and soon after that two demountable classrooms plus a dining room with a servery were added. During 2012 a new Kitchen was built and the dining room was reallocated as a classroom.
Another extension housing the reception area, school office, staffroom, staff toilets and headteacher’s office was opened in 1997 and retrospectively named the “Russell Gorringe Admin Block” in memory of the headteacher responsible.

Cressing Primary School 1964
A new class room was built in 2017 to provide a class for each year group. Prior to this, key Stage 2 classes were mixed year groups and key stage 1 classes could not admit more than 20 pupils per class. The new class room has increased the capacity of the school from 150 to 210 pupils.

Victorian Cressing Primary School
During the summer of 2001, the three demountable classrooms were demolished and three new permanent class bases were built, now housing Reception and Classes 1 and 2 .
The following summer a new corridor was built along the back of the Victorian block to enclose the whole school in one building and to provide disabled access.
A new library and Special Educational Needs Room were built in the courtyard during the summer of 2005. Behind the buildings there are two linked tarmac playgrounds, an “early years” play area and a playing field.
Refurbishment of the Administration Block took place in Summer 2008, making space to create a small medical room. The Headteacher's office was rebuilt in the remaining courtyard .
A footpath leads to the back gate, which provides pedestrian access to the school from Tye Green.