Health and Safety
Medical Conditions
It is the responsibility of parents to make us aware of any medical condition which may affect their child in school and to maintain supplies of in-date medication (e.g. asthma pumps, epipens etc.). Please mention the condition to any new class teacher as early as possible in each new school year and notify Mrs Moss in the office of any new condition as soon as it is diagnosed.
Administering Medicines
Staff are not legally required to administer medicines or to supervise a child when taking medicine. This is a voluntary role. This is in accordance with the County Council Code of Practice on the Administration of Medication to Pupils.
Most dosages can be timed to be given at home (breakfast, tea and bedtime). In the interests of the safety of all pupils, under no circumstances may children bring any medicines (other than asthma inhalers) into school; parents should deliver medication directly to the office.
If your child is well enough to return to school following an illness but is still taking medication, please arrange for an adult to visit the school to administer the required dose. If parents wish, children can be supervised whilst they take their own medicine. PLEASE NOTE ONLY MEDICINE WITH A PRESCRIPTION LABEL CAN BE ADMINISTERED.
Mrs Moss has volunteered to supervise with Mrs Swift as her Deputy, only after written agreement has been received. Medicine should be kept in the original container with pharmacy label.
Head Lice
Contrary to popular belief, head lice do not jump – they walk from head to head! This happens when children lean together over their work. So if your child has long hair please make sure that it is tied back to minimise the risk.If everyone follows these guidelines, the incidents of head lice in school fall dramatically.
No shame is attached to having head lice and we are discreet when we notice them.
If live lice are detected, parents are contacted immediately and asked to collect their child in order to treat them as soon as possible.
If eggs are noticed, the parent will be told at the end of the day. The child can return to school immediately following treatment, which should involve combing thoroughly with the correct type of comb. Hair must be wet and covered in conditioner, and combing should start at the roots.
For further advice please see the Bug Buster Information.
The School Nurse can also advise.
Injuries and First Aid
Staff are trained in first aid on a regular basis. All minor injuries are recorded by by the person attending the injury. More serious accidents are dealt with by our Appointed First Aider and also recorded. Parents are contacted if there are concerns. Accidents which require hospitalisation are reported to the multi academy trust. All bumps to the head are recorded, however minor, and parents are contacted by phone.