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School Meals

School dinners cost £2.60 per day (KS2).

Please send money into school every Monday in a sealed, named envelope. Cheques should be made payable to Attain Academy Partnership. Payment can also be made online using the school payment system on Arbor. Please contact the school office if you need any help logging in. 

Free School Meals in KS1 (Years R,1,2)

Every child in reception, year 1 and year 2 is entitled to receive a free school lunch.

The government will fund schools in England to provide every child in reception, year 1 and year 2 with a hot, nutritious meal at lunch time. The aim is to improve academic attainment and save families money – over the course of a year the average family spends £437 on school lunches per child.

Universal free school meals for primary school pupils were a key recommendation in a recent review of school food produced independently for the Department for Education. The review found that, in pilots where all children have been given a free school dinner, students were academically months ahead of their peers elsewhere and more likely to eat vegetables at lunchtime instead of less healthy food like crisps.

Free School Meals in KS2 (Years 3-6)

If parents are in receipt of benefits and do not apply for free school meals, our school will miss out on additional funding of £1300 per pupil. This is used to support your child’s learning in the school environment, including the purchase of additional resources and investment in staffing.  

For children in years 3-6 – check this website to see if you qualify https://pps.lgfl.org.uk/ 

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