Emergency Closure Procedures
At this time of year we are conscious of the threat of bad weather and so once again we have to think about our procedures for closure. These will be put into action if there is a perceived risk to pupils coming into school, including a risk that a significant number of staff might not be able to get into school, so that children would not be fully supervised.
Briefly, the procedures are these: -
- If we are in school when bad weather closes in, we will telephone everyone, starting with Class R and working up through the school. Please make sure your contact details are up to date.
- When you hear from us, please pass on the information to other parents if possible. That way, it speeds up the process of evacuation.
- Class teachers will only release children to parents or previously agreed adults.
- The following day, or if you wake to a blanket of deep snow, listen to one of the local radio stations for further information. If no mention is made of our school, we are OPEN!
- Check the school website www.cressingprimaryschool.co.uk
- As soon as it has been decided that the school will be closed, a news message will be placed on the home page with a link to further information. Closure announcements will also be available on https://www.essex.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/schools/emergency-school-closures
- In the event of a school closure prior to children arriving at school, once again listen to the radio as above, check the school website or phone to hear the message on the answer machine.
Here are the frequencies of our local radio stations: -
BBC Essex: 103.5 FM
Heart FM: 102.6 FM
Breeze: MW 1431 /1359
Dream FM: 107.7 FM
**Please remember that if our school is NOT mentioned, we are open! **